How to Upgrade iPhone 13 Pro Storage 800% (128GB to 1TB)

Apple'' s apple iphone 13 Pro is the initial apple iphone with 1TB of storage The 1TB version costs $500 even more than the 128GB variation That’s a great deal of money for the basic consumers In this video, REWA laboratory will show you how to upgrade 128 GB iPhone 13 Pro to 1TB At the end of the video, we will share the cost as well as the pros & & disadvantages of the storage upgrade The ability of the apple iphone 13 Pro is 128 GB ProRes capture of the 128 GB apple iphone 13 Pro is supported for as much as 30fps at 1080P Then we turn off the phone Disconnect the battery and eliminate the screen Secure the front camera module with specific tape Take the motherboard out Remove foam and also dissipation tape on the motherboard The NAND is right under the A15 tape To stay clear of possible damage, use high-temperature tape around the NAND Get rid of corner adhesive with hot air gun at 330 ° C After the corner adhesive is gotten rid of, warmth the NAND with warm air weapon at 420 ° C Pry up the NAND carefully with a pry blade The NAND of iPhone 13 series is not secured as the iPhone 12 series The NAND can be changed without creating the initial information Get a 1TB NAND The 1 TB NAND is much thicker than the 128 GB Apply some middle-temperature solder paste to the bonding pads Clean the bonding pads with soldering iron at 380 ° C Keep cleaning up the bonding pads with solder wick Clean the adhesive on the bonding pads with hot air weapon at 330 ° C The following action is to cleanse the bonding pads with PCB Cleanser Once the bonding pads are clean, we require to reball the 1TB NAND Straighten the reballing pattern as well as use some middle-temperature solder paste Warmth with warm air weapon to create the solder balls Following, we need to solder the brand-new NAND Use some paste flux to the bonding pads Placed the NAND in position Solder with warm air weapon at 380 ° C Put back the foam and also dissipation tape After that install the motherboard and the screen Link the phone with computer to flash After blinking, we trigger the apple iphone The storage has actually been effectively upgraded to 1 TB ProRes capture is supported for approximately 30fps at 4K If you desire to upgrade your iPhone 13 Pro, a 1TB NAND prices around 100 USD Omitting labor cost as well as others, the price of storage upgrade can be much less costly than a brand-new 1TB gadget Nonetheless, you will shed service warranty for gadgets under protection if you select to upgrade storage space The value of the phone will certainly reduce after storage space upgrade In addition, storage upgrade can have specific risks as well as is demanding for the fixing service technicians Inappropriate procedures may bring about not activating, running sluggish, etc.Provided your

budget plan suffices, we recommend that you select the design that fits your storage space needs Please hotel to a reliable fixing solution facility if you want storage space upgrade for your gadget.

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